Counselling Centre
Counselling Centre
The Counselling Centre is available to all students and staff during usual school hours, 8:30am – 3:30pm. The centre is closed during school holidays.
The team of registered counsellors can support students with a wide range of issues including:
- Transition to college
- Mental health issues such as anxiety and low mood
- Family issues
- Grief & loss
- School issues such as friendships, relationships, bullying
- Gender and Identity
- General wellbeing
How to Enrol
Students can enrol to see a counsellor at the centre reception or use the link below to complete an online referral form. There are also QR codes which link directly to this form on noticeboards and in classrooms and offices around the school. Students can scan the code with their phone and complete the form discreetly.
You can also refer a student in the same ways if you have concerns for their wellbeing.
Once we receive a referral, they are allocated a counsellor who will get in touch with the student directly with an appointment time. This is usually by a discreet note to class.
All referrals are confidential.
Student Support Programmes
Our centre runs several programmes for students throughout the year including Travellers, ShineGirl, Rock & Water, Counselling Outdoors.
We also work with external agencies such as Fossil Creek Farm, Whenua Iti Outdoors, RISE, Nelson Bays Primary Health Youth AOD, Te Piki Oranga, ICAMHS and more to support individual student needs as required.
Sexual Health Education
The INP Medical Clinic offers sexual health education in Nelson secondary schools. Through these sessions, they aim to educate young people about sexual health and reproduction, and empower them to make good, well-informed choices when it comes to their own sexual health.
Students can ask questions here that they probably wouldn’t ask a teacher, parent, caregiver or even a friend!
When: Mondays from 12:45pm – 2:30pm
Where: Counselling Centre
Bookings are confidential and can be made through the Counselling Centre reception. Walk-ins are welcome.
There is usually no charge and most INP services can be provided in school. Students will be advised if they need to attend appointments at the main clinic.
Need to talk to a Counsellor?
Use the link below to fill out an online referral form or use your device to scan the QR code.
Helpful Contacts
If you are concerned about your physical health, then contact HealthLine:
Covid-19 related – free call 0800 358 5453
General health-related – free call 0800 611 116
Students are encouraged to call the following organisations for support:
What’s Up ( free call 0800 942 8787) – A safe place for you to talk about anything at all
Youth Line (free call 0800 376 633 or txt chat 234) – We are here to listen
NetSafe – We help keep people safe online
You can also access free, confidential, 24hr counselling services by txt or call at 1737