About Us
Waimea College is committed to providing a high-quality Secondary School education for its students in the Nelson/Tasman region and emphasises the importance of achieving personal standards of excellence in academic, sporting, cultural and recreational activities.

Principal’s Welcome
E ngā reo, e ngā mana, rau Rangatira mā, ngā mātāwaka, tēnei te mihi nui atu ki ā koutou katoa.
Ko te wawata me te tūmanako ka noho ora mai koutou katoa.
Greetings and a very warm welcome to Waimea College.

What we value
We are a values-based school with a focus on creating good human beings. We ensure everything we do is centred around our values of caring, belonging and learning.

Growing Future Leaders
We foster and develop the leadership capabilities that many students possess. At every year level you are given opportunities that enable you to reach your leadership potential and develop into a future leader.

Our Campus
Feel at home in our large, attractive, park-like grounds that border a local primary and intermediate school. This is your school community and it has excellent facilities that will support all your needs.

Wellbeing and Guidance
Our goal for you is to become a person who is resilient and able to cope well with the demands of the modern world, while retaining your natural curiosity and creativity and accepting of those who are socially and ethnically different to you.

Our People
Our staff are our school’s most valuable resource. It is the quality of our staff and the high expectations that we place upon ourselves that are the most important strengths in ensuring high-quality teaching and learning takes place.

Emergency Information
We take the safety of our students and staff seriously. Our responsibility includes identifying and reducing potential risks, preparing for, and responding to emergencies, and managing the recovery from crisis situations that affect our students, staff, and the school environment.

Policies and Procedures
We have a number of Policies and Procedures and we ensure these are accessible for your information and assistance.

Employment Opportunities
Join the team! Our staff are our school’s most valuable resource, and we are always looking to grow and develop our team. Find out what vacancies we have available.